Blood donation campaign during the Open Day at Clínica Picasso on November 15th 2017
Dr. Christian Gmelin – Nuevo Internista en la Clínica Picasso
Dr. med. Christian Gmelin – New Specialist in Internal Medicine at Clínica Picasso
Foot almost went dead due to rare germ infection

Blood donation campaign during the Open Day at Clínica Picasso on November 15th 2017

Blood donation Clinica Picasso

Dear patients, dear people interested in giving blood: we will perform a blood donation campaign on Wednesday, November 15th 2017, during our day of the Open Door in the Clínica Picasso from 15:00 to 19:00 hours!

Unfortunately, also in Spain there is a daily shortage of blood products to treat patients with a blood deficiency. A blood donation is an altruistic act to help our fellow citizens in a medical emergency. We should be aware that we too might suddenly need an urgent blood donation, e.g. as part of an operation or accident.

Prerequisites for a donation are an age of 18 to 65 years, a good health condition and a body weight over 50 kg. You should not have taken a large meal 2.5 hours before the donation. The blood donation is voluntary and is not remunerated. A doctor will inform you about the procedure beforehand and will be present during the donation of approximately 500 ml of blood. After 20-30 min. the donation is made and you are allowed to eat and drink.

For your physical well-being will be taken care of, food and beverages will be provided for free!

Since we have to schedule appointments for the blood donation, we ask for advance registration by November 14th 2017 by calling the telephone number 971 221 258. Please bring your ID the day of the blood donation.

Blood donation saves lives!

We are looking forward to your participation!

Your Clínica Picasso team


Checklist: Can I give blood?

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