

New horizons in the Clinica Picasso

HD+ Endoscopy with i-SCAN Imaging Technology – an exciting new technology! A competent and experienced team of doctors and care will now perform examinations with the […]

Foot almost went dead due to rare germ infection

The patient in question suffered from a split nail bed, i.e.a common injury.However, when infected by a rare germ, the tissue started to become increasingly inflamed […]
Blood donation Clinica Picasso

Blood donation campaign during the Open Day at Clínica Picasso on November 15th 2017

Dear patients, dear people interested in giving blood: we will perform a blood donation campaign on Wednesday, November 15th 2017, during our day of the Open […]
Dr. Christian Gmelin – Nuevo Internista en la Clínica Picasso

Dr. med. Christian Gmelin – New Specialist in Internal Medicine at Clínica Picasso

Dr. Christian Gmelin – New Specialist in Internal Medicine at Clínica Picasso The Clínica Picasso is among the best known medical centers in Mallorca. Specialists of many […]

Updated Hypertension Guidelines

65% of US adults aged 60 years and older have hypertension, and only about half (52.5%) have controlled blood pressure levels (defined as less than 140/90 […]

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPX)

What is Cardiopulmonary testing? Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, often abbreviated as CPX, CPEX or CPET, is now the ‘gold standard’ objective tool for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary […]

New horizons in the Clinica Picasso

HD+ Endoscopy with i-SCAN Imaging Technology – an exciting new technology! A competent and experienced team of doctors and care will now perform examinations with the […]

Foot almost went dead due to rare germ infection

The patient in question suffered from a split nail bed, i.e.a common injury.However, when infected by a rare germ, the tissue started to become increasingly inflamed […]
Blood donation Clinica Picasso

Blood donation campaign during the Open Day at Clínica Picasso on November 15th 2017

Dear patients, dear people interested in giving blood: we will perform a blood donation campaign on Wednesday, November 15th 2017, during our day of the Open […]
Dr. Christian Gmelin – Nuevo Internista en la Clínica Picasso

Dr. med. Christian Gmelin – New Specialist in Internal Medicine at Clínica Picasso

Dr. Christian Gmelin – New Specialist in Internal Medicine at Clínica Picasso The Clínica Picasso is among the best known medical centers in Mallorca. Specialists of many […]

Updated Hypertension Guidelines

65% of US adults aged 60 years and older have hypertension, and only about half (52.5%) have controlled blood pressure levels (defined as less than 140/90 […]

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPX)

What is Cardiopulmonary testing? Cardiopulmonary exercise testing, often abbreviated as CPX, CPEX or CPET, is now the ‘gold standard’ objective tool for the evaluation of cardiopulmonary […]

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