Clinica Picasso - since 2002 at your service. Learn more about our medical center and our range of services.

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Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better.

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Welcome to Clinica Picasso!

Cardiologists in Mallorca, Doctor Luai Chadid of Clinica Picasso

Internist & Cardiologist

Dr Luai Chadid

He obtained his medical degree in Germany and worked at many prestigious hospitals. His focus is the human being behind the diseases.

Doctor Joachim Von, Dermatologist at Clinica Picasso Mallorca

Dermatologist, Allergist & Phlebologist

Dr Joachim von Rohr

Comprehensive modern diagnosis and treatment of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, allergies and venous disease.

Doctor Sven Fischer, Traumatologist at Clinica Picasso Palma

Orthopaedist & Traumatologist

Dr Sven Fischer

Your Orthopedic Surgeon in Palma de Mallorca.

Ear, nose and throat Specialist & Allergist

Dr Frank Burkart

Medicine at the highest professional and human level in Otorhinolaryngology and the Institute of Breathing and Sleep.


Dr. Christian Buhl

Years of experience in contrast sonography of the abdomen.

Gynaecologist & Obstetrician

Dr Nele Braun

Your Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Palma de Mallorca.

Doctor Joseph Van, Urologist at Clinica Picasso Palma


Dr Joseph
van Dessel

Your Urologist in Palma de Mallorca.

Dr. Adriana Besa, Dentist at Clinica Picasso Palma


Dr Adriana Besa

Your dentist in Palma de Mallorca.

Dr. Sebastian Beckers

Eye specialist

Dr Sebastian Beckers

Specialist in ophthalmology, refractive surgery, laser and cosmetic surgery


Dr Harry Lövenich-Ciccarello

Your neurologist at Clinica Picasso.

Doctor Kristen Koopmann, Physiotherapist at Clinica Picasso Palma


Cristina Koopmann

Your Physiotherapist in Palma de Mallorca.

Your friendly Reception Team at Clinica Picasso

Team reception & secretary´s office

Rosita Nitz

Team reception & secretary´s office

Isabel Eigel

Team reception & secretary´s office

Kathrin Schuergers

Team reception & secretary´s office

Dyana Iadicicco

Call us at

971 220 666
971 221 258

Opening times Mon - Thu 9:00 - 18:00h and Fridays 9.00 - 14.30h
By appointment only



New horizons in the Clinica Picasso

HD+ Endoscopy with i-SCAN Imaging Technology – an exciting new technology! A competent and experienced team of doctors and care will now perform examinations with the […]

Foot almost went dead due to rare germ infection

The patient in question suffered from a split nail bed, i.e.a common injury.However, when infected by a rare germ, the tissue started to become increasingly inflamed […]
Blood donation Clinica Picasso

Blood donation campaign during the Open Day at Clínica Picasso on November 15th 2017

Dear patients, dear people interested in giving blood: we will perform a blood donation campaign on Wednesday, November 15th 2017, during our day of the Open […]



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