We can offer you the following check-up examinations for cancer prevention and the prevention of female diseases.

Cancer Prevention

Gynaecological BASIC Check-up

The Gynaecological Basic Check-up corresponds to the generally recommended cancer screening of women. It should be performed once a year. As in women under 30 years usually there is no need for an ultrasonic examination of the breast, the uterus and ovaries, this check-up is especially suitable for younger women.

The following tests are included:

  • Detailed medical history with risk assessment. Measurement of blood pressure and BMI / waist circumference. Urine examination.
  • Examination of the mammary glands and their lymphatic drainage.
  • Gynaecological examination (speculum and bimanual palpation of the internal genitals)
  • Smear of the cervix
  • Vaginal discharge diagnostics
  • Detailed final discussion and consultation with recommendations and if necessary further examinations and treatments.

Gynaecological STANDARD Check-up

In the Gynaecological Standard Check-up is an enlarged screening and early examination of the female genitals including an ultrasonic breast scan.

It includes:

  • All the basic check-up's investigations
  • Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic floor organs (pelvis, uterus, ovaries, bladder)
  • Immunological test for blood in the intestine (colorectal cancer screening)

Gynaecological PREMIUM Check-up

In the Gynaecological Premium Check-up is an enlarged screening and early examination of the female genitals.

This check-up is generally recommended for women aged 40 years and more, but especially for those with breast cancer risks in the family, with breast symptoms or benign breast diseases.
It should also be performed once a year.

It includes:

  • All the basic check-up's investigations
  • Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic floor organs (pelvis, uterus, ovaries, bladder)
  • Ultrasonic examination of the breast and the armpits
  • Immunological test for blood in the intestine (colorectal cancer screening)
  • Quick test for bladder cancer

Further examinations (Costs: on request)

  • Blood Test: Complete blood count, liver, gall and kidney values. Lipids, glucose, thyroid function.
  • Specific blood tests: hormonal status, vitamin status, tumor markers
  • Immune status of specific infectious diseases with risks for the fetus in pregnancy
  • Specifical microbiological tests (vagina, chlamydias)
  • If necessary, further check-up’s of other disciplines (internist / cardiologist, urologist, dermatologist, etc.)

Fertility Check-up

The fertility check gives you security and information about your current or future fertility.

The following tests are useful:

  • Inquiry of your family and personal medical history
  • Gynaecological examination
  • Ultrasound examination of the female genital organs with assessment of the ovarian activity (follicle-account)
  • Blood test to determine the following hormones to assess your fertility potential:
    FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), Estradiol (estrogen), Progesterone (luteal hormone), Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Prolactin, TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), free T3, free T4 (hormones of the thyroid gland)

In addition to the laboratory tests mentioned above there are numerous other methods of investigation (cycle monitoring by ultrasound, etc.) possible - depending on the exact issue.

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